
Suchergebnisse 161-180 von insgesamt 247.

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    [DF] Update 2nd of March

    Jiron - - Old Threads


    dont worry the newst update seems to contain almost the same info

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    9/March/2012 Update

    Jiron - - Old Threads


    the new Robs look cool though kinda Ninja-ish with horns

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    9/March/2012 Update

    Jiron - - Old Threads


    Yo yo yo wasnt Flabish (Tasos) sick on mars 2/3 so sick that he couldt do his update, now hes at teh GDC ?!

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    [GDC] Planetside 2

    Jiron - - Old Threads


    Lando has some Ideas ! btw Looks kool, though I've seen some gamplay footage before so still lookin kool!

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Feb 24 DF Update

    Jiron - - Old Threads


    love that web page ! Programming Motherfucker! =) and yeah Scrum looks...yeah, still we had to lear all does in a class a few years back.

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Feb 24 DF Update

    Jiron - - Old Threads


    so its a meeting of scums ? guess I can see that, oh and ofc teh cat stays ! I allready kicked Tasos,who do you think the cat is pushing ?

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Feb 24 DF Update

    Jiron - - Old Threads


    its all part of that silly SCRUM thingy they are doing. And yeah cant wait to see some results from this.

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Feb 24 DF Update

    Jiron - - Old Threads


    Whoever is writing these posts have been geting better at it. oh and yay that there may be patched coming for DF 1 soon(tm) p.s: would a Tasos face on that cat just, you know ruin it ? I know I coult take it srsly ! but that cat is so cute

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Feb 24 DF Update

    Jiron - - Old Threads


    As we mentioned last week, our sprint was concluded and good progress was made on all tasks assigned to the teams. This week the teams held their meetings and laid down the schedule and tasks for the next 3 weeks. This sprint contains some ongoing tasks from the previous sprint, also new ones that are just commencing. In any case, we’ll keep you informed on the scope of our current activities throughout this sprint period. The ongoing tasks mentioned above include final testing of the new lighti…

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    February 17 Update

    Jiron - - Old Threads


    we can argue that they are working or that they are working more, but I think I'll win there.

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    February 17 Update

    Jiron - - Old Threads


    well charachters are done, and I think they will get most of their "ideas" ready by summer to atleast testing phase. Didt they show us videos of reworked areas etc etc awhile back ? new engine ? they making a new one ? Streatchin a bit ? ?? Question mark p.s:" Engine related work having to do with animation system improvements, network code, normal mapping, tools, etc." is the only entry I can find about anything engine related, and atm it looks like AV is working 100 times thier usual rate... s…

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    February 17 Update

    Jiron - - Old Threads


    indeed, I think maybe Q1 next year and likly starting closed beta during the summer and open beta a bit before xmas

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    February 17 Update

    Jiron - - Old Threads


    am almost belivin in AV many updates what is going ON!!! P.S: Anyone guessed who that cat is talking to yet ?

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    february 10th Blog Update

    Jiron - - Old Threads


    they will make it more teampark-ish atleast, but stay true to what makes it darkfall I guess.

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    huh looks like they are atleast thinking, and am not realy that againt it anymore. Though I think the whole teleport to fight is a bit strange(maybe they put in a "recall timer" so its not instant atleast. have to see how it goes...

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    february 10th Blog Update

    Jiron - - Old Threads


    AV has been bought, they are "working" with asian partners to adapt the game to thier needs (F2P model) and grind, also since they have been bought they have to make sure that they can attract people to thier "next game" (darkfall 2) this will most likly come at the exspense at stuff we find (fucking retarded) carebear-ish and just plain silly. After reading all the blogs posted by Tasos/AV its clear that they have little understand if any how thier own game runs or plays so they designe stuff o…

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    february 10th Blog Update

    Jiron - - Old Threads


    tbh it can be "okey" as it seems to cost cost depending on the stuff...but yeah in general its a lame idea (but it addresses all the whining on the forum about it takin forever to regear). But yeah not much of a Update if you ask me.

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    January 27th Blog Update

    Jiron - - Old Threads


    that last part is no shock, I'd leave AV to. p.s: though darkfall is harder to leave Fix it allready you bloody incompetent Company pretenders of Fanfaronade!

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    January 27th Blog Update

    Jiron - - Old Threads


    if they keep paying I guess they are bankcrupt before 2013

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    January 27th Blog Update

    Jiron - - Old Threads


    Full loot is kool, but I think they should do something similar to Eve. So that when you die/gank'd you dont drop everything... I mean you died so "something" must have broken for you to die right?! That sword did cut you in two before it cut your armor... p.s: and here can thier Infamus (noever implememnted soon to be) salvage system come in to play, salvage the the destroyed/damaged item (get some of the mats). The rest of the stuff get droped like now... pp.s: sounds like work aka to much for…