
Suchergebnisse 141-160 von insgesamt 185.

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Sorry for annoying, but I want to donate towards your awesome work and support. The deal is that I deleted my Paypal account when they blocked Wikileaks account. Therefore, I ask if it is possible to have an alternative way to donate, such as Bitcoin? If it is too troublesome, I can some way to do it anyways

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Nice, I have been linking articles lately and I knew you could embed it to the post instead of just linking. Guess I found it now

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Darkfall Radio Interview

    Reidar Beck - - News


    Zitat: „ valkyrior calls next. host:should we expect some queues at launch? them: we still have a server capacity of 10.000 concurrent players.i actually hope we have some queues (they laugh). I hope the game is successful like the first .we do not want το discomfort people of course. host: what about multi-core support? you mentioned this feature ,what is the performance? have you done the essential tests? them: we have done our tests.we have no issues so far given our number of internal tester…

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Darkfall Radio Interview

    Reidar Beck - - News


    EDIT: Here is the interview translated by AV in a better way: Darkfall forum Found this on the Darkfall forums, where a Greek dude translated a radio interview that was aired on Greek radio where 2 Aventurine designers answered questions. What I found interesting is that now when all the races have formed an alliance you can run around in all capital cities and there are no more chaos cities. In the event of the American election I highlighted the spokespersons in red and blue . Enjoy Zitat: „ T…

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Concerning the alignment and safe areas

    Reidar Beck - - News


    Zitat: „There is a concern right now that the no-PvP zones will be exploitable by people standing right by the border and switch sides as they please. This will not be possible because there will be a timer that will come in effect when you enter or leave the no-PvP zone. So if you are in the no-PvP zone, when you leave it you will get a notice that you are leaving it as well as a timer that will indicate the time until your protection wears off. Similarly, when you are entering the zone the tim…

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    mmorpg interview

    Reidar Beck - - News


    This interview is much better than the ones we have seen lately. While they have obviously been working on gameplay, sound and graphics I'm a bit concerned that the sandbox features of UW aren't being properly worked on. Examples of this is that the houses will work the same way as before, crafting seems to have small adjustments but still progress as before, ships aren't ready for launch, siege equipment aren't ready for launch. But we still don't know much so I'm hoping for the best And multic…

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Zitat von Weird Earb: „Sounds a tiny bit like LoL“ Yeah, it looks like the spells/abilities will remind of MOBA games like LoL and DotA.

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Was it only me noticing the "mining spawn rock"

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    As we count down towards Darkfall Unholy Wars, we would like to suggest that you get your accounts in order and to ask you to please update your account information. If you are experiencing issues like: forgotten username, passwords, email address, accounts not active etc., please submit a ticket to customer support with the Title “Preparing for Darkfall Unholy Wars”. We need your information for matters which relate to offering our existing customers a price promotion, but also in order to sele…

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    If someone wants/knows how to make a new background or theme you can find the epic fan kit with all the pretty pics and icons at:

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    15/March/2012 Update

    Reidar Beck - - Old Threads


    As work continues on quite a few ongoing tasks, today we would like to share with you some specifics about low level magic as well as some information on balancing magic in general. Minor Incantations is a mixed intelligence and wisdom based school available to all characters no matter what they are wearing. It contains 5 utility spells that are useful in a variety of situations. Spells belonging to this school require no reagents to be cast. Mana Missile – Your typical low level damage dealing …

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    I like it! I have seen other sites where they have these progressions and the members have been really happy about them. As an example; A person who takes the time to make recruitment posts will get some kind of achievement and he will feel that his work was appreciated. Another could be a person who commands people in battles.

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    9/March/2012 Update

    Reidar Beck - - Old Threads


    Zitat von Fisk: „Tacos is back!“ Actually he isn't, he is away and that's why we are getting these improved blogposts lately

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    9/March/2012 Update

    Reidar Beck - - Old Threads


    Tasos and a couple other team members are attending GDC, checking out the latest developments in the industry, so we have prepared a short update for you. Another sprint has been concluded and the teams have progressed on their assigned tasks. As always, there are tasks that will carry over to the next sprint and we will provide more information next week, after the teams have held their individual meetings. As you have noticed, there was an attempt to address the server delay issue. Our monitor…

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Feb 24 DF Update

    Reidar Beck - - Old Threads


    This update was actually good, I like the way they are doing the market system

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    February 17 Update

    Reidar Beck - - Old Threads


    Zitat von Jiron: „indeed, I think maybe Q1 next year and likly starting closed beta during the summer and open beta a bit before xmas“ I would predict beta at the earliest at Xmas. Basically they aren't done with anything yet. - They have no new character animations ready, - World is not done - GUI is in mockups - New engine is probably in development stages - And the list goes on

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    February 17 Update

    Reidar Beck - - Old Threads


    Comment on the new GUI: "Some initial mock ups have been created and we are happy with the new direction" So GUI-wise they are still at some mockups, that means that DF2.0 won't be out until somewhere next year. There is just too much that is still in their initial phases that they have no chance in making it this year

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    February 17 Update

    Reidar Beck - - Old Threads


    Our sprint was concluded today and progress has been made on the tasks we spoke about in the previous updates. The teams will have their individual meetings on Monday to decide on the tasks for the next 3 weeks. We will provide an update next week to present the teams sprint goals. There was a lot of heated discussion on the Limbo state feature this week and we would like to thank you for all the feedback. We will keep you up to date with any developments on this. Apart from the sprint tasks we …

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    On Friday we posted some details about a limbo state system we are working on and we would like to clarify some aspects of it. First of all, the aim of this system is not to make it cheap or risk free to come back into a fight, without jeopardizing anything. The aim is to reduce downtime when a player is all set up and ready to participate in some high adrenaline activity, mainly PvP. We feel that PvP and people interested in it, would benefit from a reduction of downtime. That’s why we want to …

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    february 10th Blog Update

    Reidar Beck - - Old Threads


    This past week we’ve been conducting interviews to fill various positions which should lessen the need for most of our key people to need to handle multiple tasks, and this way they can focus more on their core competencies. Our goal is to see serious improvements in the workflow efficiency, also quality improvements, once this process is completed. These interviews are not just about pure development positions, but also address long-standing needs: one example has to do with improving the feedb…