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Do you want the wbb4 Upgrade? and wich Addons do you need?
hmm the board send me a email, when someone post here. but it didnt. Earb destroyed it.
I have a new bot-trap installed. But when u get in the trap and u are no bot, then tell me. Hope this helps.
I can make a simple script, but not yet. I have a trip to hong kong on 6.9. until 23.09.2013 End of September I can make something.
a standalone script, no other board
It seems, there is nothing for this board. Know u any pvp ladder scripts?
ok, finished! Now u see in the forum and the profile if a user have something in the marketplace.
I set up a marketplace only Members and Leaders and Mods/admins have access to the Marketplace! Others dont see it.
I have something. More later.
I think I can get an smiliar addon. I am on search.
You are now my offical translator.
Die kann man in der Admin Oberfläche erstellen und Usern manuell oder über Aktivitätspunkte zuweisen. Sry no english
Ehrgeiz form the land of Squaresoft [YOUTUBE][/YOUTUBE]
If the Achievements not working pls tell me, I can give the Achievements to users.
New huge Update with Trophy Support.
@reidar ehm yes, if the text not yours use quote tags.