
Suchergebnisse 41-60 von insgesamt 100.

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    password @ or Voice comm info *edit by ehrgeiz*

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Patchnotes 10.6.2014

    Illwyn - - News


    well, fps was going down quite abit, I still had 50-70fps like Earb said. Completly playable much better than before.

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Class patch today!

    Illwyn - - News


    With today's maintenance at 12:00 GMT we will apply the Custom Roles System patch. Please note that our server downtime will last longer than usual. To make your waiting time more fun, we have arranged to stream some duels using different roles, so that you get a first look on possible sets that you may use. You only need to visit our official Twitch.TV channel to watch our stream. Thank you

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    The Return of the ELDERS of AGON

    Illwyn - - News


    This stuff makes me want to sub, hows the game atm?

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Is darkfall worth making a revisit

    Illwyn - - Smalltalk


    While I'm not playing myself, my main problems with the game are: Loot: Loot is pretty horrible in the game, I don't see many people defending it, I certainly won't it's horrible in my opinion. (luckily they have annonced remade loot system, we'll see if that is any good "soon" enough :P) Leveling: Killing 150 of each mob for prowess, then fishing and trawling for eternities not very fun. Luckily they did add a few new ways to get prowess (although the should have remade the entire system imo) I…

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    What're you guys playing?

    Illwyn - - Smalltalk


    Theres three of us playing mortal online atm in the Odin/Evil clans (same clan pretty much) . Good time to try out Mortal online if you've been feeling lke it

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    What're you guys playing?

    Illwyn - - Smalltalk


    I'm SadEight ingame (stupid name I know) I tried a ton but I usually call myself radicalseven when I'm playing male char so it became SadEight (since I was sad). Now I regret that name so much (mortal online)

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    What're you guys playing?

    Illwyn - - Smalltalk


    So... What are you people up too? Darkfall UW is not for me. Anyone playing something fun? (except for df :P). I was thinking of playing some mortal online, although it's not very fun without friends. Or perhaps some rust perhaps if anyone still wants to play that game :P?.

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    EVE has me back

    Illwyn - - Smalltalk


    My old corp used to have an income of about 12 billion isk per month I believe Thats what moon mining and taxes will do for a corp (in nullsec atleast)

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Playing a game

    Illwyn - - Smalltalk


    nice to see some interesst, we should decide on a voice program that we could start hanging out on since we are using several different ones. As you've said there are a few on the elders mumble. At the same time the spaceroamers are using a teamspeak. Zitat von Reidar Beck: „. These last two days it has been me Sindur and Jiron. If we really want to have a community we should atleast use the same voicechat even if we are playing different games.“.

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    EVE has me back

    Illwyn - - Smalltalk


    do we have cake? hopeful*

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    EVE has me back

    Illwyn - - Smalltalk


    Didn't actually remember us having a Elders teamspeak but it's true PW: elders totally forgot about this one

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Playing a game

    Illwyn - - Smalltalk


    Games are alot more fun when played together, is anyone interessted in gathering up on teamspeak/mumble (this week or next week) and starting a new game? I'm currently playing eve online as many of you know, but I'm in a solo clan (not very active and quite lonely ) So how about it do any of you guys wanna get together and start playing something like eve or mortal online? we could do some sort of event. If people are interessted in starting eve I could help out alot. There is a great 21 day tri…

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    EVE has me back

    Illwyn - - Smalltalk


    Zitat von Fisk: „Me too I wish I could activate my plex without subbing first.“ you can although don't let my propaganda make you think eve is all good It can get quite boring at times But still the best mmorpg out there in my opinion.

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    EVE has me back

    Illwyn - - Smalltalk


    Yesterday we had a really nice fight in lowsec, we were on the roamers teamspeak pheonix

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    EVE has me back

    Illwyn - - Smalltalk


    Zitat von Weird Earb: „you guys are funny we have 2 Elders TS and mumbles :P“ We obviously need more !

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    EVE has me back

    Illwyn - - Smalltalk

    Beitrag pass is: rulethegalaxy Friend threw it up for me (us) (if we want to use it), I'll be on it for awhile now if anyone wants to chat. EDIT: also tell me if it doesn't work ! or try this

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    EVE has me back

    Illwyn - - Smalltalk


    I could have my friend throw up a teamspeak server if you guys want too. I think mumble deserves to burn

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    EVE has me back

    Illwyn - - Smalltalk


    we've got a chat for everyone to join called "Elders chat". So join us! I'm in caldari factionwarfare and we need some heavy backup ( I keep dying )

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Might try it out, but I won't support it on kickstarter. Although I don't actually think it's gonna be good.