
Suchergebnisse 41-60 von insgesamt 134.

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Elders of Auraxis Outfit?

    sindur - - Smalltalk


    i tried planet side 2 yesterday, but i was not fun to play alone

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Neverwinter PvP

    sindur - - Smalltalk


    When i watched you first video of it, the first thing that hit me was that it kinda looked like wow and kinda had the same questing as wow It also feelt pretty simple, you are being told everything you should do and hand held trough the game I guess it is a good game for some people tough, probably a reasone why so many cloones are being made Do you know what this game had that wow and guild wars 2 dont? or is it basicly about the same?

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Darkfall in Asia

    sindur - - Old Threads


    Also good at playing instruments

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Darkfall in Asia

    sindur - - Old Threads


    found this on a web page Not sure if anyone of you have seen it, but here is the transelation to english "Mgames, developer and publisher of games from Korea recently bringing Darkfall, MMORPG game developed by Greek Studio Aventurine. The process is characterized by emigration MGame agreement with Aventurine recently. Although not stated exactly which country will be the first berths in Asia, some speculations said that Korea would be the first…

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Kerbal Space Program - Tipp

    sindur - - News


    Tried it aswell, but i downloaded it for free. If you like being an exsplorer in space it is awesome

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Why you not playing Darkfall UW?

    sindur - - Old Threads


    Just wondering why not many people are playing atm You can choose multiple answeres!!

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Our clan is made on EU server

    sindur - - News


    As the title says, you can now joine us on EU Just go to the gui click the clans tab on the right side of your screen then you search for Elders of Agon and click us and then you apply ATTENTION: You should only join us if you have been accepted in your application. If you have not made application then you do it

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild


  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    To Pre-order DARKFALL UW

    sindur - - News


    Zitat von Black Beard: „Zitat von Landogar: „done. soooooooon. will we be sickling bushes for hours just to get a mount. :thumbsup:“ Then I kill you and get that mount :)“ NO! Landogar will hide in safezone

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    To Pre-order DARKFALL UW

    sindur - - News


    Me have pre-ordered!

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Do AV need to pay to get the game on steam? or does steam not earn shit and AV gets all the profit?

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Not sure if this is a good or a bad thing. atleast they cant fuck up launch since many people will know about the game

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Skirmisher brawler

    sindur - - News


    all classes are op

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Skirmisher brawler

    sindur - - News


    The ultimate was okay, the battle brand one is better :). But i will deffnitly play Skirmisher

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    For some reasone it workes now, but still dont work on my mac. I did not use mati test

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Darkfall Unholy Wars User Interface Presentation

    sindur - - News


    Zitat von Illwyn: „I just hope you can't use them all at the same time that would be a massive grind 3200 points for the last level Also check the first link, he goes up too the bank, you even see the bank tab 1:47“ That wont be a massiv grind at all, not compared to Origianl Darkfall. i know you can see the bank, but i still dont know how it will work. i guess they have made a nice system for it that fits with Darkfall UW.

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Darkfall Unholy Wars User Interface Presentation

    sindur - - News


    yeah, maybe it was only weps who gives you stats, but its still the same shit it wont ruin anything. I still dont see the video where they show us the bank system Edit: we havent played Darkfall UW yet, so we dont know how well the bank and the armor works with the new game, i doubt they made the bank harder to use. Edit 2: Btw i like the boosters, im going to have this insane setup so noone can beat me

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Darkfall Unholy Wars User Interface Presentation

    sindur - - News


    We havent seen the bank system yet, and i dont care that armor gives you stats, armor gave you stats in darkfall too but everyone was mage so they could just buff their stats up And there will also be hotkeys, if you look at the battle brand video you see him switching skills without the dial thingy showing up.

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    i see the dwarf, alfar, Miridan and mahrim only, still the same as the old background

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Darkfall Unholy Wars User Interface Presentation

    sindur - - News


    AV should stop making videos they are getting me way to excited