Search Results
Search results 1-20 of 247.
Darkfall New dawn
PostYeah doin this DF thing I'll be livin out of a newbi dungeon / quest thing for a while I guess
Localised Economy
Postok if this gets in I am in. Simple. Xmas gift for us ?! plix AV.
Archeage hype
PostWell it dosnt matter too me. As good as any server I guess.
Archeage recruits
Jiron - - Recruitment
PostGood job, Sir.
Shadowplay/archery/battlerage or some other third "class" lookin @ sorchery/vitalizm or Battlerage atm
Archeage hype
PostAnd a hook in the left hand ?
Archeage hype
Archeage hype
Post<p>thats not the source I was refering to but thanks :)</p>
Archeage hype
Postsource was forgotten in this one
Archeage hype
PostI think earb is talking dwarf again
Archeage hype
PostYes it works
Archeage hype
Postbtw to stop all this nonsense hit "Kilde" or Source in the top left corner of all them tool bars when makin a reply. Then type. It shoudl work...