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ARK: survival Evolved.
Reidar Beck - - Smalltalk
PostSo how is the game now? I've been hearing positive thing about it
Reidar Beck - - News
PostAnd of course thank you ehrgeiz, for your suppport all these years
DF1 Nostalgia is here!
Reidar Beck - - Smalltalk
Post<p>Spoiler alert. They put a lava pool underneath Aerngarth.<br /> Guess that it was to counter all the wall hacking in that city.</p>
DF1 Nostalgia is here!
Reidar Beck - - Smalltalk
Post<p>I had to verify my youtube account to have videos longer than 15 minutes. Silly me.<br /> <br /> Yes it is very real :=)</p>
Reidar Beck - - News
Post<p>Thanks for doing this.</p>
DF1 Nostalgia is here!
Reidar Beck - - Smalltalk
Post<p>Aww fail youtube</p>
DF1 Nostalgia is here!
Reidar Beck - - Smalltalk
Post<p>I recorded some stuff while testing DF out, nothing special. I traveled to Isturak, Uqtu, built Aerngarth and lastly made a visit to Namlit.<br /> Looking forward to try it some more tomorrow :)</p> <p><br /> <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
DF1 Nostalgia is here!
Reidar Beck - - Smalltalk
PostI found this reddit post where they are releasing DF1 as a standalone from reverse engineered code.…ne_version_install_guide/ I will post some pictures later if I get it to work
Archeage hype
Reidar Beck - - Smalltalk
Post<p>Hype has left the building!</p>
Darkfall again?
Reidar Beck - - News
Post<p>I see that I'm still in Elders so the bank is still there.</p>
Darkfall again?
Reidar Beck - - News
Post<p>Hello bloodlusty pirates, you want to try Darkfall again you say?<br /> I still have an active sub so I am game.<br /> I just have the usual issue of being busy and can only be on every now and then and that works fine with me :)<br /> <br /> It would be a shame if we didn't have a forum and I am ready to help either financial or with IT skillz.</p> <p>I have some footage from my recorded shadowplay from the last time we played. I will try to make a video out of it.</p> <p><br /> P.S I'm in t…
Greetings, With today's maintenance we are applying the "Halloween" patch. Halloween Event: Ghastly greetings to all haunters and haunted alike! Tis a time of ghastly goings on and gut-wrenchingly villainous deeds. A time of horrid monsters and horrible people to revel in the annual dedication to lovely, lovely evil... In short.. it is Halloween! Starting from the 30th of October and for 5 days hence (or more), we shall be celebrating this darkest timeline with some sickly sweet new situations! …
Darkfall New Skin System
Reidar Beck - - News
Post<p>You did whaat? I haven't bought any selentine gold, maybe I will this halloween.</p>
Darkfall New Skin System
Reidar Beck - - News
Post<p>We will see next week when patch will be out</p>
Darkfall New Skin System
Reidar Beck - - News
PostGreetings, with the upcoming Halloween patch we are going to introduce the new skin system. More specifically, a new UI window called "Gear Guise" will support the new skin system. Skins will exist in a container in your backpack and will be acquirable in game either through various activities or through the shop. Skin Containers will be trade-able and sell-able through the market. When you double click on the container, the skin will be unlocked in the Gear Guise window and the container will d…
Greetings, With today's maintenance we are applying the "Timed-Event" patch. The patch contains the following: Sea Fortress changes Sea Fortresses will now require a capture and hold mechanic in order to become owned by a clan. To begin capturing a sea fortress, you will first need to destroy all three control points (Lighthouses) surrounding the sea fortress. Every time a lighthouse is damaged, an on-screen pop-up message notifies the owning clan (every 1 minute), that someone is attempting to …
Localised Economy
Reidar Beck - - News
Post<p>Let's just hope that this is not another unfulfilled promise</p>
Localised Economy
Reidar Beck - - News
Post<p>It they can manage to implement all of this by xmas january it will make me very happy</p>