Darkfall again?

      Darkfall again?

      foggen wrote:

      Weird Earb wrote:

      Dear Sir,

      How is the game at the moment? Worth to come back?
      Most of the names are still the same and its difficult to get a picture out of Forumfall.

      Is there an economy in the game or is it just the last eliteplayers fighting each other?


      I would lie if I said the population is flourishing.

      Mainly clans consist of 8-15 people and some bigger like Liandri/Zagenda/Brotherhood/Red Army at around 20-25.

      However I kind of enjoy this equally sized clans we currently have, it makes pvp and sieges quite fun.

      I enjoy the game as it is right now but obviously we lack a solid economy still. It have improved alot however. Av is in fact delivering good patches and changes.

      Thank you!
      Captain JAMES T. KIRK

      Meine Webcomicseite: simplicity.roamers.de/
      I will be happy about comments!
      <p>Well... It gives us a chance to get gear, take control points, conquer territory? Is that not meaning? What more do you want? I don't quite get it. &nbsp;Darkfall in my opinion gives some good rewards for people who risk their gear going out to pvp. Conquering terriory sure isn't optimal and could be made alot better, but having a home means something, and getting loot means something.Isn't that why we usually kill eachother in games? (loot and territory)</p>
      But your opinion is also true.

      I think Sindur also mentioned, that there should be a bit more sheeps between the wolfs out there. On the other hand im playing not a game to slaughter noobs.

      I would be in, if we decide to roll again, it was last time a lot of fun. Just this freaky patch ruined it, with the totally unbalanced builds :/

      But MANDATORY:

      Illwyn we need the norsk.ts - people. Muh Dick!

      We can also do a new forum, this is broken as shit.

      Lets talk with Sord/Ceron/etc about it, i can just set a board up, and we can call it Bloodseekers/Elders/MuhDick whatever. At least an active society again :=)
      Captain JAMES T. KIRK

      Meine Webcomicseite: simplicity.roamers.de/
      I will be happy about comments!
      Hey mates, I haven't completely forgotten you. Just talked to ehrgeiz, we plan to do the migration soon.

      @ Topic: I would interested to roam again in Darkfall, though I don't think I will invest the necessary time and will probably not be online regularly. :pinch:

      Weird Earb wrote:

      We can also do a new forum, this is broken as shit.

      Lets talk with Sord/Ceron/etc about it, i can just set a board up, and we can call it Bloodseekers/Elders/MuhDick whatever. At least an active society again :=)

      A list of broken things, pretty please?
      It's true, neither ehrgeiz nor me took much care here.
      Question is, should I now invest time/energy/money to get this thing and the domain to a new server and on a stable, usable state again?
      Or are you (the few people still active here) planning to restart with new website/forum somewhere else, and we better abandon this here anyway?
      <p>Hello bloodlusty pirates, you want to try Darkfall again you say?<br />
      I still have an active sub so I am game.<br />
      I just have the usual issue of being busy and can only be on every now and then and that works fine with me :)<br />
      <br />
      It would be a shame if we didn't have a forum and I am ready to help either financial or with IT skillz.</p>

      <p>I have some footage from my recorded shadowplay from the last time we played. I will try to make a video out of it.</p>

      <p><br />
      P.S I'm in the game now :)</p>