
Suchergebnisse 21-40 von insgesamt 134.

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    sindur - - Smalltalk

    Beitrag Lol, Remember the mana pots that was secound most traded on facebook fayt?…699867833/?type=3&theater Guess thats because of dupe

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    The Return of the ELDERS of AGON

    sindur - - News


    Zitat von Fayt: „My return is imminent I'm on nightshift a couple more days then I will come back on darkfall! Inb4 massive rollback - this dupe bug is big...“ how do you know that?

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    The Return of the ELDERS of AGON

    sindur - - News


    Zitat von Jiron: „see you early juni then I got time and it sounds like thats when the "patch" is comin aswell so perfect =)“ Im not sure if we can trust you anymore

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    The Return of the ELDERS of AGON

    sindur - - News


    There is a lot of stuff that has improved, but i would wait until combat patch before you resubb. think the combat patch will come in two/1 week

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    The Return of the ELDERS of AGON

    sindur - - News


    Yah, epic

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Is darkfall worth making a revisit

    sindur - - Smalltalk


    Yeah loot system they have already started to fix, like revamp all skinning loot tables came in the last patch. But still loot tables are crap + atm, im mostly just in sieges and harvesting to get prowesss so i wont have to farm so much when game is fun to play

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Is darkfall worth making a revisit

    sindur - - Smalltalk


    Jiron and fisk what are u guys up to?

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Is darkfall worth making a revisit

    sindur - - Smalltalk


    around 1 month, but you have to decide for youself

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Is darkfall worth making a revisit

    sindur - - Smalltalk


    i would wait for combat patch to be out, then a lot of people are returning and it will be awesome

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Darkfall News 15.4.2014

    sindur - - News


    Zitat von Jiron: „sounds like am gona resub after easter...“ I tough you had a subscription running the whole time

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Darkfall News 15.4.2014

    sindur - - News


    Zitat von Reidar Beck: „Zitat von Weird Earb: „now my resistance is nearly gone At least i will install it tonight :)“ Sounds good, don't fall backwards when you see 1 million gold in CB :)“ If i were you i would spend all the gold on crafthing to get prowess incase of a server wipe

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Introducing Buddy Keys (Trial)

    sindur - - News

    Beitrag…eys&p=6273766#post6273766 You can give a friend a 2 week trial to try the game

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Darkfall News 15.4.2014

    sindur - - News


    Cant wait to test it out hope everyone in elders of agon will come back

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    What're you guys playing?

    sindur - - Smalltalk


    Zitat von Azmoodeus: „Training char in EVE, playing some CS:GO and D3...“ what rank are you in cs go? i play it aswell, i am doubble ak

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Patch Notes January 29th

    sindur - - News



  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Playing a game

    sindur - - Smalltalk


    Zitat von Demelza Poldark: „I'm still in Lanzarote for another week. Willing to try something new. Have played MO and Eve before but both solo and didn't enjoy much. Would try again though. I have pre-ordered a game called repopulation which looks like a promising indie pvp/sandbox game, last game I did that with though was Xsyon which was awful last time I looked. ttfn, tomorrow I'm doing my 300th scuba dive so no beer tonight, all the diving here is deep and needs a sensible approach“ Is scuba…

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Playing a game

    sindur - - Smalltalk


    Zitat von Reidar Beck: „I suggest that we gather in our Mumble and take it from there. These last two days it has been me Sindur and Jiron. If we really want to have a community we should atleast use the same voicechat even if we are playing different games. It has always been that when people start playing other games they also stop coming on Mumble. I don't see the problem having people playing different games and still be on Mumble, it is easy to make new game channels or mute if you don't wa…

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Anyone reconize this village?

    sindur - - Smalltalk


    copy paste for the win

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    joine planetside 2?

    sindur - - Smalltalk


    Zitat von Azmoodeus: „what voice comm do we use? Been into the lux mumble but no one is there EDIT: I'm currently patching“ We can use elders mumble as i said before in this thread

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    joine planetside 2?

    sindur - - Smalltalk


    Since a lot of guys are currently not subbed to Darkfall Unholy Wars maybe we should play a game that is free to play?? YES we should! So that is why we can try to make a clan in Planetside 2 or just play for fun. If you wish to joine, me and fisk got characters on woodman EU Server and we are playing as terran republic. We can use elders mumble for when we play this game My Ingame name is Sinduuur what is yours?