
Suchergebnisse 21-40 von insgesamt 185.

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild


    Reidar Beck - - Smalltalk


    <p>Oh god, what is this? Can someone plz delete this as I can't delete posts anymore.</p> <p>Apparently when you press the preview button it apparently submits it!!!</p>

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild


    Reidar Beck - - Smalltalk


    Reading the forums the past few days has revealed a somewhat recurring theme in the discussions, that of a localized economy; be it through localised resources or going all the way to some form of regionalised banking.<br /> <br /> Today we would like to present to you the contents of our Localised Economy package, some of which has been hinted in our recent <a href="" target="_blank">“Path Ahead”</a> post. For us, as well as …

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Localised Economy

    Reidar Beck - - News


    Reading the forums the past few days has revealed a somewhat recurring theme in the discussions, that of a localized economy; be it through localised resources or going all the way to some form of regionalised banking. Today we would like to present to you the contents of our Localised Economy package, some of which has been hinted in our recent “Path Ahead” post. For us, as well as the community from what we see, a functional economy is the stepping stone for a proper sandbox, so our attention …

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Archeage hype

    Reidar Beck - - Smalltalk



  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Archeage hype

    Reidar Beck - - Smalltalk


    <p>I just made a character on Eanna Western side</p>

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Archeage hype

    Reidar Beck - - Smalltalk


    <p>Buur, I ruined the poll by voting on humans</p>

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Archeage hype

    Reidar Beck - - Smalltalk


    <p>So it Archeage beta starting today?</p>

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Hi Ehrgeiz, thanks for this forum, mumble, TS and support for all this time. I'm sure that we will find a solution by that time - activity is pretty low atm, so we will see where we are at that point. I thought that you hosted this through your work. I hope that you were not paying it yourself. Anyways thanks for being a great admin

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Counterstrike: Global Offense

    Reidar Beck - - Smalltalk


    <p>Hmm could be fun, I have't played counter strike in many many years now</p>

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    <p>I see that the Language dropdown is not visible, but you can still click on it and the languages will appear</p>

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    GC arrived today and now I am up and running. Now I just need the servers to open up again.

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Guess that my PlayClaw will be thrown out the window then.

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Class patch today!

    Reidar Beck - - News


    Oh god this will be awesome, I just got word that my GC is ready for pickup so I can play today. i've heard people talk about doing "shadowbuilds" (I think it was called). Is there any info where you can prebuild your character?

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Zitat von Fayt: „shadowplay allows a max of 20 minutes. still a long time though :P“ Yeah I probably just remembered wrong and 20 minutes is really nice

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Zitat von ehrgeiz: „How important are Achievements? The Achievements Plugin dosent come to wbb4 :(“ Achievements is a fun addon, but we can live without it

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Zitat von Fisk: „Tried some more shadowplay in Wildstar, and I gotta say that shadowplay works super awesomely well! NO fps impact compared to other recording programs. Me likey!“ That's what I was hoping for. Finally I can record something without losing FPS or atleast not being bothered about it. Is it possible for you to have 30 minutes of shadowplay? If not then how many minutes?

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Custom Roles in Darkfall (3 :) )

    Reidar Beck - - News


    Hopefully they will balance it somehow, MVP do you thing

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Custom Roles in Darkfall (3 :) )

    Reidar Beck - - News


    he he my guess is that when everyone has dash mounts will be useless. Hopefully AV changed dash so that mounts are useful again

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Custom Roles in Darkfall (3 :) )

    Reidar Beck - - News


    Zitat von Fayt: „Luckily I don't think you will need to choose heal mount, as it's a common skill and they come as default“ So I can have dash + heal mount = awesome!

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    I went with a relative new cheap Gainward GeForce GTX 750 Ti as the rest of my computer still is old. I bought it because it was best for price and that it has shadowplay that I want to test. When I finally get around and buy a new motherboard + CPU I might get a better GC I should be up and running on Tuesday