As our name says we are a clan composed of various veterans of Darkfall,
both power gamers and casual players, who enjoy playing with each other and have banded together.
We offer:
- social and friendly clan with mature people across all ages
- Knowledge, help and guidance for new players
- place for experienced players among equal peers and a place where they can grow and train others to excel in the world
- Active leadership who cares about the members
- Solid core of members which guaranties stability even in the case of big wars and other trouble
- Focus on good teamplay
- Regular pvp and pve group action
- We are not afraid of using our clan assets (e.g. ships are not meant to get dusty in the bank!)
- Open for casual and power players
- Various holdings all over the world, suitable for new and advanced players
- Many events and social activities
- A place to have fun!
The Elders of Agon helps it's members grow into Darkfall, achieve their goals, but in return we expect loyally and dedication.
All Elders members help each other all they can, and expect the same in return.
Our powers come from our dedication to each other and our trust and friendship in each other.
Therefore we expect from out members:
- English speaking - as we are from all accross Europe.
(mainly from Scandinaivia, England and the German speaking countries)
We don't care how bad or good your English is, important is only that we can understand each other - Voice Communication - absolutely needed for coordinated teamplay
Install Mumble. A microphon is not required but preferable. - Mentally Mature
We do not allow douchebaggery, slander, raging or any offensive behavior of such kind to others from our members.
Messing around and having fun is part of the game, but any genuine insulting or otherwise offensive behavior is not tolerated.
If you like to know more or wish to become an Elder of Agon yourself,
contact one of the following persons online (just enter in a chat window: /tell FirstName SecondName YourMessage):
- Jiron Dawn
- Landogar Celine
- Sindur Zarot
- Wilby Jones
- Weird Earb
Make a post in our forum, tell us a little about yourself: character name, how long you have played, etc.
Posted also on Forumfall. Credits to Wilby for the nice picture

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