Miss Squirt Application

    Miss Squirt Application

    Hellow everybody,

    Since Simiran Disbanded i was lookinng for a clan to join so i think that Elders of Agon can be my new darkfall family :) I play this game 2,5 years now.Before Simiran i was in many different clans NoCry/Argonauts.During my 2,5 years in darkfall i have participated in many Sieges.Nocry+z5 vs Sun+Liandri etc..My pvp skill is decent i think or more than decent i believe.I always run with good gear especialy in sieges,i realy like being organised so i strongly listen to my leaders instructions whatever he says :) Atm i play on a human named Miss Squirt(No discussion about "squirt" plz)which is pretty maxed out now.You maybe know me as Xalara Wolfman..I am very active during evening hours..I meet all the requirements i believe as long as i use comms+mic :) and my knowledge in english is surging..

    Personal Infos:
    I am 17 years old guy from Greece.
    I am not a non-lifer.I enjoy going to the gym+doing other stuffs with my friends..

    You will rarely see me doing rage quits :P Thats me i hope you didnt expected something more fascinated

    I am looking forward to kick some #$%@# with y guys
    squirt should definitely be the topic of conversation in this thread.

    either way, welcome to the clan if you've already been accepted :p (if not then I guess you will be soon).

    Fayt Ality

    Hottest mage in all of Agon.